Sunday, December 18, 2011
Our Obedient Child
Today, I decided to read the lesson for Relief Society. I sat in bed with Andrew and Colby and started reading outloud. The lesson started off mentioning Heavenly Father, and Colby folded his arms (thinking i was praying). I continued reading, and he continued to fold his arms. Andrew had to whisper "amen" in his ear to finally relieve him from folding his arms so he could get back to reading his own book.
Now i know he is picking things up pretty quickly. I just hope he picks up more good habits than bad.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
our first christmas tree
Monday, November 28, 2011
all of us hanging out together :) |
our trip to the park |
he actually loves this little kid bench, but it doesn't look like it |
Monday, November 7, 2011
Happy Halloween!
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
baby #2
i knew something was up before i took the test. we've been working so hard on the house and all of a sudden i woke up with absolutely no energy, i didn't understand why i was so tired. I waited a while to take the test because andrew wasn't ready for the results yet, but i finally convinced him :) My concern is that i was using crazy chemicals on the house before i took the test, so i hope everything is okay even though i was around bad fumes. With colby i got sick around 8 weeks and it lasted until about 20 weeks. this time around, the sickness started at about 5 weeks. I can only hope it leaves before 20 weeks so that i can eat healthy again and actually eat Thanksgiving dinner! (yes that is a big concern of mine :) ). So this time around i've got exhaustion, sickness, the random headaches, but that's about it! even though i'm not a fan of the first trimester symptoms, i'm trying to keep in mind how blessed i am that i'm pregnant and as far as we know, everything is okay with our little peanut. i know it could be worse, so i'm trying to keep the right perspective. AH i can't believe my little baby is going to be a big brother!
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
here's to a great weekend
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
I need help
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
a lot of random
Friday, August 26, 2011
We officially moved into our new house on the 6th of this month, and it's been crazy for the rest of the time. We decided to completely remodel our home...while living here. Andrew, Jason, Bob, some help from Andrew's friend, and I were luckily able to get most of the tile laid before we moved in. We painted the walls, and we are painting the cabinets (which means nothing can go in the cabinets), we replaced the countertops (which means no sinks) and because of the kitchen remodel all we had was a microwave and the fridge for 3 weeks (yay for frozen burritos!). I'm the happiest lady in the world since we put in our kitchen sink, dishwasher, and stove. Even though we still can't put things in the cabinets, i'm so happy to be able to somewhat use our kitchen! Things are coming along, andrew works all day, and then comes home and we work until about 12-1 getting things done. perhaps we took on too much, but its fun in a weird way. All this work and no sleep has apparently taken a tole on us, colby and I are now sick (although he's handling it better than me) and i'm praying Andrew doesn't get sick - he can't afford to be even more drained than he already is. Even though it's incredibly hard living with your house torn apart with a very curious 1 year old, it'll be worth it. it's fun to start to see all of our hard work to pay off. I'll post before and after pictures when we're done! (hopefully that'll be soon)
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Dana Point

He built sand castles with Uncle Jay
Went surfing with Aunty Kami
and ate cheerios that were thrown on the sand for the squirrels
I love the vacations where we just hang out together and go to the beach every day and have some good laughs. my favorite.
We were an hour or more away from Andrew in LA, but one of the days last week we were able to meet up with andrew in Huntington Beach (halfway point - kinda). Colby was so so so happy to finally see his daddy!
Friday, July 22, 2011
when it rains....
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
I have a 1 year old!
We went swimming. The pool was pretty cold, but Colby handled it pretty well.
Ate cake. Actually the rest of us ate cake. Colby just stared at his.
then checked out Dans new ride
I love having a little 1 year old. He is showing that he understands me more and more. I can ask him where something is (only a couple things) and he'll go over to it. He even started signing a couple things out of the blue. I hadn't taught him anything since he was like 9 or 10 months because he didn't seem to be paying attention, and all of a sudden he starts signing. He loves putting things in boxes and taking them out. He loves trying to walk. Loves taking things out of the fridge and trying to put them back in. and loves the dishwasher. He "talks" all the time, but of course it never makes sense.
I'm so glad and grateful that my parents, brother and sister-in-law, and in-laws were able to make the trip to be here for Colby's birthday. It really meant a lot to me that they were here.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Some videos
Colby absolutely loves his daddy! whenever Andrew comes home from work he goes crazy and gets so hyper! He's grown more attached to Andrew than to me, even though i'm with him all day (perhaps he just needs a break from me), whatever the reason, i love watching how happy he is with his dad!
Colby also started walking more and more. He's still a crawler, but loves to walk when he gets the chance! Don't mind that i laugh at him fall, he gets mad at me for that :)
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
4th of July

Sunday, June 19, 2011
Six Flags

Sunday, June 12, 2011
Tara: "See andrew! you google sketch and you get drawings, you google skit and you get....a comedy sketch"
CRAP! Well he won that one.
Well later that night we watched "Did You Hear About The Morgans?" I was telling Andrew how I have a big nose, just like Sarah Jessica Parker. His reply, "no you don't, she doesn't have a big nose either." i responded with the smart remark "yeah huh!" I looked up pictures of Sarah Jessica Parker to prove my point. He still didn't budge. So he told me to google "girl with big nose". so i did. first thing we see... HUGE picture of Sarah Jessica Parker.
Andrew: 1 Tara: 1

Thursday, May 26, 2011
what a weekend
On another completely unrelated note: I've decided house hunting is DEFINITELY not as fun as it may appear. I thought it would be awesome to look through a bunch of homes and then pick one that i liked and make an offer. Not only do i have to sacrifice a lot of what i was hoping to get, but most the houses we find we get outbid on. I knew in some homes you get into "bidding wars" but i didn't realize it was on EVERY house. There are other homes that have been on the market for a long time, but then i start wondering...why have they been on the market a long time? what's wrong with them? turns out looking at homes is completely exhausting when you only have an hour or so during Andrew's lunch, and a baby that needs to nap. And then you deal with getting a loan. UGH. but i'm SO anxious to get out of an apartment and make our house our own :) ultimately, i know we'll end up where we're supposed to. we just have to keep our spirits up and keep looking.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
going private
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Best Toy Ever
Sunday, May 15, 2011
And then there was the restaurant as we were heading out of town. We heard some intense pushing coming from the backseat on the way to the restaurant, only to find that colby's little Huggies did not do their job. It took a tag team with my mom and me to clean up the explosion in the bathroom at the restaurant. Needless to say, there were casualties - the new shirt my mom got me now bears colby's mark forever. But who can stay mad at this kid? Especially when he's at the wheel.
Andrew and i were finally able to go on a date. It was a short date, we made a break for it while colby took a nap. We jumped on my dads motorcycle and headed straight to.... the movie theater. kinda pathetic right? we finally get to go on a date and we go to a theater. well we had movie ticket gift cards that we had to use. truthfully, it didn't matter what we did, it was just great to be the two of us for a couple hours. and to ride on the back of a motorcycle again!
My first Mothers Day was fun! i told Andrew that i wanted a couple shirts and molten lava cake for mothers day. We celebrated mothers day on Tuesday when we headed to the Woodburn outlet mall so i could pick out the shirts i wanted, and that night we made molten lava cake. PERFECT mothers day. It was a perfect mothers day as well - Colby got super spoiled by Nana at the outlet mall.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Next week: Sherwood