For a while now I've been thinking about doing something in all my free time. At first I wanted to learn to play the guitar, but I'd have to buy one. Then my dad thought it would be a good idea for me to do some geneology, still pondering that one - not a clue where to start though. Then the idea of crocheting popped into my head. So one day while Andrew and I were at Walmart, we headed over to the unknown section of talented crafty people, and picked out some yarn and a book to learn how to crochet. I was so excited I wanted to start right away, I began to read the lessons and had no idea what I was doing, so I had to call Andrew over to teach me what the book was saying. So once I finally started to catch on, I decided to make a blanket. Yeah that was turning into more of a necklace thingy for a dog, so I quit that idea after an hour or so, and thought I'd start simpler and make a scarf. Which I did, it's even straight! but the yarn was really ugly and basically it was for practice so I don't even want to post it. On the up side, once i finished that project I decided to make a bag. I know, big step for me, especially being an Andrus (and those who know where I come from know there is no talent to be found). So I began my handbag project and really enjoyed it, I couldn't put it down - and I only needed Andrew's help at the end :) but I'm so pround of myself that I made this handbag! My ultimate goal for learning how to crochet is to make a baby blanket, which I am patiently waiting to find out if it's a boy or a girl so I can begin. Meanwhile, I'm just trying little things here and there. Not sure what I'll do next, but I'm really excited that I have something to do during the day while Andrew is gone and busy, and I feel like I'm accomplishing something!
Ohh how fun Tara! You made that bag?! That is awesome! What a fun hobby.