Yesterday, the 18th, was Jason's 22nd birthday (and the name baby jay will forever be there). Andrew and Jason were planning on going snowboarding for his birthday, but Jason went snowboarding on the 15th AND 16th already and said he didn't care what they did. So we somehow ended up in our spare room the night before his birthday and we were looking at the brand new snowshoes Andrew and I got for Christmas from his parents that we have yet to use, so Jason said "hey why don't we go snowshoeing?" so that's exactly what we did. After waiting in line for about half an hour at the ORC and listening to the 2 most annoying guys in the world try to hit on every single girl in the room, we were able to rent some snowshoes for Jason. We headed up to Island Park and stopped somewhere on the side of the road and explored. After about an hour or so of that, we drove a couple hundred yards down the road to a frozen lake to see what fun can come from that. We were going to uncover the snow and build a fort, but the snow was way too soft and the lake is pretty nasty so we just had fun walking in the snow that was up to our knees.

Thebeginning of our journey

Jason just wanted to fall over, and Andrew wanted to hit him

The camera is a little wet here, but we all decided to make our own seats in the snow and relax

Of course we can to try this!

Bad news for Jay
Done like a pro

That's my man!

This was after our snowshoeing adventure at the lake

Jason says this is quite peaceful and warm
Of course we have to end with Jason's amazing backflip!
Ohh how fun! I'm glad you didn't fall into any ice. :) {you know, like water that's frozen and looks safe, but isn't. . .} :)