I realize that ever since having kids every picture i post and almost every blog is about them. I'm going to try and do better about putting up pictures of myself and blogging about what I'm doing more often. However, this is not one of those times. I feel the need to keep track of what my kids have been doing lately
He is talking SOOOO so very much and is talking in crazy sentences. It's the cutest thing ever to hear him say "i need to do this because of this" its adorable how he puts things together.
He is still taking naps every day, and if i let him he'd still sleep for 3 hours or so, but unfortunately I have to wake him up by about 2:30 every day so he will go to sleep better at night.
Speaking of nights, he struggles a bit at bedtime. He has realized he can get out of bed and he tries to do that every night. He'll cry and try to get out of going to bed, and then get out of his bed about 5-20 times depending on the night. (short stage hopefully?)
He's doing really well in nursury. When I take him to nursury he doesn't even say goodbye, he just walks in like he owns the place and leaves me hanging at the door. (i hear he doesn't give the leaders the attitude he gives me, so happy to hear that!)
He's definitely going through terrible two's. He tried to get everything and is testing to see what he can get away with. I see his sweet and sensitive side a lot though, and see the way he treats his bear or parker.
He loves to pretend to cook, make loud noises, hammer things, fix things, take care of bear like he's a baby, play in his little tikes car, crawl around with Parker, be chased, RUN, and he could swing FOREVER.
When daddy comes home he gets so crazy excited.
He is not potty trained yet. I've tried and failed a few times with that one. hopefully soon?
He loves being tickled and doing any sort of rough housing.
He finally got his two front teeth this morning! That makes six teeth! We're moving right along.
I'm pretty sure he thinks he's a toddler. He is crawling everywhere trying to keep up with Colby. He absolutely admires everything about him (he doesn't even get that mad when Colby knocks him over ).
He's my little cuddler, he is always laying his head on me.
He loves being tickled and having his bak tickled.
He loves being held.
He loves walking (of course it's with help)
He HATES eating his nasty veggies, but will eat anything else we put in front of his face.
He started saying "mama" on my birthday! He also started saying dada again.
When in the bathtub, he'll blow bubbles all the time. So cute.
Is almost impossible to get him dressed, he wants to move all the time.
His sleeping schedule needs adjusting, he's waking up before 7 way more than I would like (making everyone grumpy for waking up too soon).
He smiles all the time, he is such a happy and relaxed baby.
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