Parker turned 7 months old on the 6th. I just took him to the doctor today and here are the stats (at least what i remember of them):
Weight: 14 lb 3.5 oz
Height: 25.5 in
He's under the 5th percentile for a 7 month old, but since he was a month early they counted him as only 6 months and in that case he's in the 5-10th percentile.
- He's rolling all over the place
- He scoots around like crazy to get to all sorts of forbidden objects i purposely put out of his reach
- The doctor confirmed that he's teething (which would explain the extreme fussiness)
- He usually falls asleep for nap and bedtime with no problem
- He smiles all the time (even when he's fussy I can get him to fuss with a smile)
- He just stares at his daddy and gets the biggest grin on his face
- He already suffers with separation anxiety
- He wants to eat everything
- He LOVES electronics and tries to claw his way to get it (phone, remote, ipad, anything)
First of all, can you say funnest mom ever? From your post below, I believe that you are. :) And Parker is one cute little guy! And I cannot believe he is 7 months. . . .where is time going?!