Sunday, October 14, 2012


On Saturday the 13th Andrew, my dad, and I ran a 10k for Volkslauf.  I was dying to do it last year, but since i was secretly pregnant with parker, I had to come up with a very lame excuse to get out of (I think it was along the lines of Andrews team needing another guy, not a girl? i don't know, but my parents bought it). Anyway, so ALL year I've been wanting to run the Volkslauf race, and when it came down to actually running it, I realized how completely unprepared I was (I mean I had a year to prepare, but did i? no). I ran about 4 miles a few weeks after i had parker, and it wasn't too bad, and then a couple months ago i ran other 4 miles, and in between this time i would only run a couple miles every other day.  So all of a sudden i needed to bust out 6 miles, it was SOOO hard. Did you know that Andrew can go from sitting on the couch for a year, to running a 10k like no big deal? Well he can, and I can't.  I thought I'd be setting the pace, but both Andrew and my dad wanted to go much faster than I did, so I tried my best to keep up with them so i didn't let them down.  Holy heck I thought i might die (it's a tad depressing to think a couple years ago this run wouldn't have been a big deal. kids change things).  You basically run 5 or so miles straight (maybe just a couple obstacles) and then the majority of the obstacles and all the mud is at the end of the race, and let me tell you they were a blessing! Running was so hard, but he obstacles...SO NICE. I was finally able to catch my breath (it didn't hurt that i didn't have to jump over the walls, but just climb on Andrew to get over). I'm not sure if I'd run the 10k again (i don't know when i'll get in good shape again) but i would definitely run the 5k. SO much fun!!

I asked Colby for a kiss.  This was the face I got.

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