This is why i love it:
if i'm desperate for him to stop crying, i can pop it in and he easily takes it
i don't have to worry about going out in public and have him start crying with no way to sooth him
he falls asleep easily with this
This is why i hate it:
he doesn't know how to put it back in his mouth, so if it falls out in his crib i have to keep running back in to pop it in
he wakes up in the middle of the night crying for it
he will NOT go to sleep without it now
what is a mom to do? still can't decide if i want him to have it or not....
On another note - i was reading a baby book that Andrew's mom gave me when i was pregnant called "Your baby & Child from birth to age five" the pages are turning yellow so i checked when it was published: 1983. it's older than me! anyway, i turned to a teething section and i quote
"So as soon as toys go in your baby's mouth, he or she should be given hard foods to put in too. Peeled pieces of apple are good; so are hard crusts or zwiebacks, raw scrubbed carrots and even cooked, smooth chop-bones."
ummm excuse me? no i didn't type that wrong. chop-bones. now i don't know if you've tried this, but personally...seeing how I'M NOT RAISING A DOG, i think that might be slightly confusing for, not only colby, but to those who may see my child gnawing on a bone. not sure how i feel about this book. and i'm not sure if andrew's mom gave him chop-bones to chew on. i'm scared to ask.
Tara, this post made me laugh out loud. Who would ever think that chop-bones are a good idea?!?!
ReplyDeletelol I TOTALLY LAUGHED OUT LOUD reading about chop-bones. Too funny. I guess that would explain a lot about Andrew... :) P.S. The pacifier is sometimes more difficult for some babies to get than others. Londyn loves hers. But I know of other babies that want nothing to do with it. It's just another one of those things that I wish was standard for ALL kids! haha Wouldn't that be so much easier if all babies were alike? I guess that would take some of the fun out of it all. Love you! Can't wait to see you in a few weeks!