Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Christmas Eve we had Bob and Diana come for dinner. it was fantastic (both the company and the dinner). Since we were spending christmas day with my family, they brought our present over to open on Christmas Eve. I was completely shocked! they got us a camera! it was exactly what i wanted...so needless to say i'm obsessed with taking pictures now even more than ever.

Christmas Eve
Christmas morning we all woke up at 7:00 with smiles on our faces

We opened presents

flew in the air

and shook our tail feathers

Colby played with his toy from Santa

and ate his toys from us

Hope you all had a great christmas too!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

graduation and more

The last week has been crazy! Prepare for TONS of pictures. Last Friday morning, we went to the dedication of the BYUI Center, and the rededication of the MC. We were so excited to go and to be in the building. Too bad we missed the whole thing (thanks Colby). He was either super cute and wouldn't stop talking so we had to take him out, or he was fussy. Oh well, it was still amazing to be there.

At the dedication of the BYUI Center

Friday night, Andrew and Britt graduated!!! Such a huge accomplishment, I'm so excited and proud of them!

Before graduation (PS Britt made this dress)

Lovin on Colby

Getting ready to graduate!


Can't get enough of this kid!

These pictures were before Andrew graduated, but you have the take the opportunity with a happy and awake baby!

Such proud parents!

Dan and Britt - So happy!

The graduates!

So happy for them!

Right after graduation, Andrew and I hurried back to our almost empty apartment so finish cleaning it out. Not gonna lie, i shed some tears as we drove away knowing it was the last time i'll ever see our place. We had a great apartment, amazing neighbors, and a fantastic ward. I couldn't ask for more and we lived there for so long, it was definitely hard to leave.

our empty place:

We missed the commencement Saturday morning and took that opportunity to head home early. We were making great time considering the massive amounts of snow falling everywhere. The Blues were pretty intense, and we make it to La Grande before they closed the freeway. We thought it was going to be for a couple hours, but then we read that there were numerous cars sliding off the road and finally made the decision that we should make it over the rest of the Blues in the morning, so we got a motel. Definitely a good decision. BUT we made it home Sunday a half hour before church and were able to go in time for the christmas program.

With that being said...IT'S CHRISTMAS TIME! We got a tree Monday! I got a picture of the tree when it was finished, but i have to take a picture with the flash on or else it's crazy blurry and the flash doesn't give the tree justice, so i didn't put it up. we didn't realize until we turned the lights on that we have a very patriotic tree (red, white, and blue).

Trying to bite santa

Colby is very curious about the christmas tree. so cute!

I just love the Christmas season!

Monday, December 13, 2010


Lately, Colby has been having explosive diapers. I'm thinking it's the rice cereal, but they are out of control, and his diaper changes often involves a change of clothes too. As i was changing his diaper and trying to get his onesie off with the least amount of poop getting on him, i was thinking that i would love if andrew were home for one of these diaper changes, just one. But since Andrew can't be home to await that diaper change, colby decided to take things into his own hands:

i think that spit up makes up for it.

a little bit of christmas

This past weekend a lady Andrew works with was throwing a Christmas party for the students that work with her in the office. We first went to her ward christmas party (mostly for the roast) and then went to her house for more food and games. it was a lot of fun! Her ward christmas party had the whoville christmas program thing going on, so some dressed up like Whoville characters. Andrew and i put a santa hat on, that's about as festive as we get. we were pretty proud of ourselves.


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

love/hate relationship

Over thanksgiving we gave colby this a lot:

This is why i love it:
if i'm desperate for him to stop crying, i can pop it in and he easily takes it
i don't have to worry about going out in public and have him start crying with no way to sooth him
he falls asleep easily with this

This is why i hate it:
he doesn't know how to put it back in his mouth, so if it falls out in his crib i have to keep running back in to pop it in
he wakes up in the middle of the night crying for it
he will NOT go to sleep without it now

what is a mom to do? still can't decide if i want him to have it or not....

On another note - i was reading a baby book that Andrew's mom gave me when i was pregnant called "Your baby & Child from birth to age five" the pages are turning yellow so i checked when it was published: 1983. it's older than me! anyway, i turned to a teething section and i quote

"So as soon as toys go in your baby's mouth, he or she should be given hard foods to put in too. Peeled pieces of apple are good; so are hard crusts or zwiebacks, raw scrubbed carrots and even cooked, smooth chop-bones."

ummm excuse me? no i didn't type that wrong. chop-bones. now i don't know if you've tried this, but personally...seeing how I'M NOT RAISING A DOG, i think that might be slightly confusing for, not only colby, but to those who may see my child gnawing on a bone. not sure how i feel about this book. and i'm not sure if andrew's mom gave him chop-bones to chew on. i'm scared to ask.