It seems like so much has happened since the end of last semester until now! Andrew did very well in his classes and i'm so proud of him. He worked so hard to get those good grades and i'm glad it paid off. Too bad he only got a week break before he had to dive into another semester. He's trying something a little different so far...he's seeing how much he can slack off and not have his grades affected. I love that i'm actually able to spend time with him, so this new plan is working for me!
Once school got out for Andrew, we left Rexburg and headed over to Bend, OR to spend a few days with his parents. They live in a beautiful house surrounded by a bunch of trails to explore, and a very pretty waterfall not too far away.

Bend, OR
We left Bend on Friday so that I could work on Saturday and get some money! I worked while I was home for those 4 days, it's not much, but i'm grateful that i'm able to work when i go home to get a little extra cash.
My baby brother got married on Friday the 16th of April. I just love my new sister-in-law! Our family is growing and we have amazing people in it! Jason and Francisca looked so great, it was a beautiful wedding!
Jason and Fe 4.16.10

On our way to the temple
After the wedding, Kami, mom, and I headed off to our two week vacation in Hawaii. The first week we were in Kauai, and we got rain most of the time. Lucky for us we were able to find a little bit of sun each day, and towards the end of the week the sun finally started to come out. We stayed around the pool most of the time in Kauai because we didn't know how long the sun would stay out. So we would sit in the condo and wait until we saw sun, then run outside and soak up as much as we could, then ran back inside as soon as the weather turned again. We made it to the beach a couple times. The second week we headed over to Maui, which i just love. The sun was always out and it was beautiful. The hardest part about going to Hawaii when you're pregnant is trying to tan your back. When we went to the beach i would dig a hole in the sand for my little bellly, but that's only comfortable for so long. I also struggled with wanting to play in the waves, but i always fought against it since i figured it wouldn't be good to be tossed around in the waves. My dad was also able to make it that second week. He came over on his birthday because he found super cheap last minute tickets. I'm glad he was able to come. Sadly Kami had to leave a few days early to get back to work, so that last few days it was just my mom, dad, and I. It was a great vacation overall. Two weeks is a long time to be away from Andrew. Needless to say, I was happy when the vacation was over and I was able to go home and see him again!

Beach in Kauai - proof that we actually made it to the beach and not just the pool.

Our last night we had to get out of our condo and stay at a hotel with crazy nice pools.

Dad and I comparing stomachs
As far as the pregnancy goes, everything is going well. I went in to the doctor on Wednesday and I'm measuring just at 27 weeks so that right on schedule. I feel him move more and more and i'm so happy when Andrew is able to feel him move around. I had the blood glucose test and i failed the first one, so lucky me, i got to go in a few days later fasting and get pricked every hour for 3 hours to make sure i didn't have gestational diabetes - but it's ok because i PASSED! i'm happy i don't have to worry about gestational diabetes and i can keep eating the way i want to! :) So other than that, everything is going fine with the pregnancy and on Wednesday I am beginning my third trimester!