Soooo since Andrew and I have been married there have been a few adventures mixed in with the seriousness of school. For Thanksgiving 2008 we made our way with Dan and Brittany down to Phoenix, Arizona passing through Las Vegas and saw one of the great wonders of the United States. They were the best dam pictures we ever took, Hoover that is. Once we got to Arizona we relaxed with my family and with Bob and Diana who were able to meet us down there for Thanksgiving. We were there in time to see the christmas lights come on at the Mesa Temple and that was an amazing experience. to Oregon for the christmas vacation and built the most perfect snowman out of 4 inches of snow that you will ever see! I was also able to try out my new snowboard on our hill with the help of Andrew. Back in Idaho we decided to make the most of the massive amounts of snow that Rexburg dropped on us. We went snowboarding every few weeks and Andrew is very patient with teaching me, believe it or not I am improving. We also went snowshoeing up near Yellowstone, we both had a blast on that first time experience. Andrew was on a basketball team, he really enjoyed getting back into the sport scene. After the semester we headed back to Oregon and have been able to go hiking Multnomah Falls and take a kayaking trip down the Tualatin River (don't worry, we didn't touch the water). We went to Multnomah Falls, and went on a hike around Mt. St. Helens with Jason, my dad, and Andrew.